Get a free Anavio license
Each NEXT™ Camera Sensor comes with a free Standard Anavio license! Just install the camera and connect to Anavio, and you’ll automatically be assigned a Standard Anavio License, which provides access to all essential Anavio features.

In response to an event, Anavio can automatically initiate pre-recorded messages via the camera’s two commercial-grade speakers.
Use Anavio to activate 2-way audio in the NEXT Camera and perform direct talk-down with anyone within 50 feet of the camera.
Four programmable lightbars can communicate situationalawareness to folks in the camera’s vicinity.
Thanks to the camera’s AI Vision technology, you can perform searches based on the color of clothing and vehicles in near-dark conditions, for more actionable results.
Log instances of both known and unknown people in and around your buildings without having to add them to the system as a user or guest.
Go back in time and track one or more people—known and unknown—throughout your facility, across various access points, and from camera to camera.